Tuesday 9 July 2013

My First Java lesson

Java today is one of the most popular digital applications in web designing & is being preferred by the layman as well as high end users for different purposes such as in flash video application, 3-D gaming, complex software development etc. So students, java developers, and technical recruiters are producing their own application using java platform. But if your basic java knowledge is not strong then you would not be able to develop your unique application and hence flourishing in the ever growing & expanding IT industry would become impossible. Thus first work on your Core java interview questions to land up a plum job in IT industry as well as to enhance your Java knowledge. Java, an object oriented programming language offers three basic level of programming viz. core java programming, specialized java programming & advanced Java programming. Out of these first basic level is called basic Java programming language & is the first step of mastering Java language. While attending a technical interview you will be asked most question on the basic java as interviewer wants to check the fundamental (core) knowledge of the candidate. There are many resources available both online & offline to prepare for the java interview questions but if you want to save your time and is looking for some ready reckoner guide to help you in preparing Core java interview questions, then do follow some of the tips described here.
  • an I learn java quickly? Yes now it's your cup of tea.
    The new beginners section "New to Java technology" oncan help the dummies to learn java from basic to masters level.
    This new to java tutorial briefs you on following topics.
    1. Basics of Java Technology
    2. Understanding the Java Technology
    3. Why Java Technology is so important?
    4. Different Editions of Java Technology
    5. Components of each edition
    · JSE Components:
    · JEE - Components: etc... etc...
    How to create and run my first java program, to what extension java file should be saved, java compiler, java and jdbc database connectivity or java with database management system. These are the very common problems raised while learning java.
    Here in this new to java section you will find all the required solution to step ahead on next level of java technology.
    The Additional features "Java Examples" of New to java tutorial can help you in learning java quickly and easily. As example codes are already written, you only have to copy and paste it to execute and run the program. In this way you can save yourself from writing code and fixing the bugs.
    Find out more about java tutorials, struts tutorials and other programming language at .